Finch Lane, Lancashire, WN6 9DT

What is WellComm?

WellComm is a speech and language toolkit for children aged 6 months to 6 years. It helps practitioners to understand children’s current level of speech and language and then provides a range of activities to help support their language development.


How does it work?

Speech development follows a pattern much like physical development. For example: a baby can’t run without first learning to sit up, stand up, and walk. It is the same with communication. For example, if a child doesn’t understand the words ball, box, or in, they will be unable to “put the ball in the box”.

 Identifying a specific area that a child might need support in allows us to play games and carry out activities that help them to complete an idea or concept which will boost their speech and language development. Our aim with all our children in our care is to help and support them to achieve their potential in all areas of development so that when they leave Little Acorns to go to reception, they are ready for the next stage of their education.

The WellComm assessment only takes around 10-15 minutes to carry out. It focuses on the child’s understanding of what is being said to them (receptive language) and how they communicate verbally (expressive language). Some of the assessment is completed through specific activities and some through everyday observations and by speaking to you as parents. The assessment is carried out in a relaxed way and can be stopped at any time if the child is not engaged.


Results from the assessment.

The assessment will identify if any specific intervention is needed to support the child with certain concepts of their Speech and Language Development. If so, these activities will be taken from ‘The Big Book of Ideas’ which is also part of the WellComm toolkit. Practitioners will also ask parents to carry out some of these activities at home so that there is a consistent approach for the child. Progress will be monitored closely, and activities may change as children progress with their communication skills. If the assessment highlights that a child is in line with their Speech and Language Development then we will continue to plan quality, fun learning opportunities that will support your child’s continued progress.

It may be that the toolkit identifies a concern relating to a child’s Speech and Language Development. If this happens, practitioners will work closely with you to refer for additional help and support from Speech and Language Therapy (SALT). This is nothing to worry about, as the earliest possible intervention will help your child to go on to make the best possible progress when they move into reception. Our staff will continue to support with WellComm interventions alongside support from SALT.


What happens next?

Children's progress will be closely monitored, and support adjusted as appropriate. It's important that there is good communication between parents and staff regarding children's progress at home. As part of the WellComm cycle, children are routinely re-assessed after 3 months.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.